On this page you'll find the relevant contact information for NZBP, strawberry propagators, and affliated groups.
Mobile: +64 274 901 324
Email: propco@outlook.co.nz
Mobile: +64 211 420 619
Email: Geoff@berryworld.co.nz
Mobile: +64 21 858 257
Email: peter@springwood.co.nz
Mobile: +64 272 273 375
Email: anthony@bestberries.co.nz
Mobile: +64 277 463 165
Email: darien@strawberryfields.org.nz
Please Note: Strawberry orders need to be in prior to September for delivery the following May
Mobile: +64 274 738 486
Email: kiwistrawbs@rapleybythesea.co.nz
Mobile: +64 274 731 540
Email: shanberry@xtra.co.nz
Hamish: +64 021 022 82685
Mobile 2: +64 027 824 3505
Email: taylorstrawbs@gmail.com